Helping the Homeless

Solutions that Work

We are always accepting donations For needy families, elderly individuals, and children

Every single day, the homeless population grows in size and scope, with new families and individuals being continuously devastated by the 'new economy'.

This new economic reality is far more harsh than it ever was, and it's been leaving myriad people behind day after day, week after week.

We focus on those who are most in need: the elderly, women and children. Your donation will breathe new hope into the lives of one or more people who are hungry, cold and alone.

Our Causes

These are the different groups we focus on:

The Elderly

Individuals in this group are the most vulnerable, because of their age and typically week constitution.


Women are the 2nd most vulnerable, due to their consistent targeting by unscrupulous men.


As we all know, children - regardelss of their energy - are too young to fend for themselves.


Entire families are constantly being displaced every day, with the rising cost of housing, and a very difficult job market for struggling parents who must also watch their children.

Our Staff

Annette Richardson is our CEO and Director.
Here are our other board-members and volunteers:

Annette Richardson


Steve Smith

Board Member

Julee Feins

Board Member

Caleb Jain


Latest News

Another elderly woman passes on